2300 S. 48th St. Suite 3
Patient Forms
Boarding Consent FormPlease fill out this form if your pet is coming to board with us.
Bowel Movement QuestionnaireIf your cat is having difficulty defecating, or is defecating outside of the litterbox, please fill out this form and bring it in with you when you bring in your cat.
Dental Procedures Consent FormIf your cat is having a dental cleaning or dental extractions, please fill out this form and bring it with you when you bring in your cat for the dental procedure.
Emergency Consent FormThis may be the last thing on your mind in the event of an emergency, but we will ask you to fill out this form when you come in. If you have it prefilled out in the event of an emergency, it will be one less thing to think about.
Established Client Information UpdateIf it has been more than a year since we last saw you, we will ask you to fill out an information update sheet. Feel free to fill this out in advance and bring it in with you.
Euthanasia Consent FormIf you are bringing your cat in to be euthanized, we will ask you to fill out this form.
Fecal Sample QuestionnaireIf your cat is having abnormal stools, please fill out this form and bring it in along with a relatively fresh stool sample.
General Consent FormIf you are dropping off your cat for any routine procedure that does not involve surgery, please fill out this form in advance and bring it in with you when you drop off your cat.
Inappropriate Urination QuestionnaireIf your cat is urinating outside of the litterbox, or is having abnormal urination, please fill out this form and bring it in with you when you bring in your cat and/or a urine sample.
General Surgery and Anesthesia Consent FormFor any non-routine surgery, which does not include spays, neuters, declaws, or dental procedures, please fill out this form and bring it with you when you bring in your cat for surgery.
Low Cost Spays and Neuters Consent FormThis form is for low cost spays and neuters only. So unless you have an Animal Control Grant, a Lincoln Animal Ambassadors Voucher, a SpayUSA voucher, or qualify for the farm/feral program, this is not the form for you. If you do fall under one of those categories, please fill out this form and bring it in with you when you bring in the cat for surgery.
New Client InformationIf you are a new client, please fill out this form and bring it in with you when you come in for your appointment or to drop off your cat.
Spay Neuter Clinic Consent FormThis form is only for the Spay/Neuter Clinics held each February. If you are bringing your cat in for one of these clinics, please fill out this form and bring it in with you.
Spays, Neuters and Declaws Consent FormThis form is for routine spays, neuters and declaws. Please fill out this form and bring it in with you when you bring in your cat for surgery.
Vaccination Only Request FormIf you are bringing your cat in for vaccinations only and are declining a physical exam, we will ask you to fill out and sign this form.
Vomiting QuestionnaireIf your cat is vomiting excessively, please fill out this form and bring it in with you when you bring in your cat.
Abnormal Heart SoundsIf your cat is having abnormal heart sounds, please fill out this form and bring it in with you when you bring in your cat.